Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A few months ago my Xbox 360 decided it had had enough of playing games so it killed itself. I knew what I had to do was call XBOX customer support to send my $300 brick into them to be repaired. But there was something that I knew was coming when I called, and I was dreading it. So much so that I contemplated just saying fuck it, and buying a new system. I knew that when I called it was just going to be some bullshit hassle with some broken English speaking camel jockey living in another country, but I called anyway. Now I've called  Microsoft support a few times in the past couple years and each time was just a fucking headache that in the long run just got me more pissed off than the problem I was trying to have resolved was making me. But this time was different, this time I talked to someone who as far as I could tell had a copy of a Tusken Raider to English translation book sitting in front of them. Every question I asked I had to repeat over and over, and every word or what ever the fuck was coming out of her mouth I had to have repeated to me . So basically at the end of this conversation which took entirely too long, I got the result I wanted. My broken Xbox was going to be shipped back and fixed. so while I waited for my shipping label to arrive, I composed a nice little note about all my questions and concerns I had about this whole process, from my horrible service on the phone to not wanting some refurbished piece of shit that some other unlucky asshole had to send back for repairs that might have been worse than my own. So when I sent the Xbox in, I taped that note to it in hopes that I might get a response Email or some other compensation for my troubles.

About two weeks later my Xbox returned home, and to my surprise there was nothing in the box addressing any of my issues except, as I had feared. A refurbished not my original fucking Xbox. So after I thought about it I decided I should let it go and just plug the damn thing in. Since I was stuck with it there was no point in getting mad anymore,.It was done or so I thought. I hooked everything up put all my systems back in place and started that fucker up only to find that the system was set to Spanish... WHAT THE FUCK? If this was a joke I was not laughing. So now It was up to me to cycle through all the settings to see if I could switch this fucking MEXbox back to English. Finally I got it and all is OK for now. The system does make some funky noises again now so I know its only a matter of time before it shits on me again, so ill save my rant about faulty tech for a different post. Anyway the point here is I know it may be less costly to outsource things like customer service and other things over to third world countries, But Jesus fucking Christ, at least make sure the people answering the fucking phone have at the very least a basic grasp on the English language. Is that really to fucking much to ask from a major corporation like Microsoft? And its not just them, Its Credit card companies and Insurance and the list goes on. Next time I have to call a company and this happens I think I'll say... ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT???


  1. Just wait...If I get a job at Sprint and you come into my store, im going to talk the most broken engrish you have ever heard muahahaha

  2. After formatting my computer or something, I simply LOVE sitting on the phone with Dell with "Jim" or "John" or "Alice" who, judging from their accents, are obviously "Asit", "Raj" or "Sita" instead of a generic Western name. They aren't fooling anyone. At least they can usually speak English okay. What pisses me off though is that these Dell employees are cheap replacements for American labor and represent the lovely unemployment problem we've got going here.

  3. Hey it took me a while to figure out who you were lol. Well as a fellow hater of humanity at its finest. I hope you enjoy my rants.

  4. Lol sorry, I should have introduced myself. I just assumed you knew already!
