Sunday, July 25, 2010


In 1987 George Michael released the song faith, Instantly rocketing himself into the minds of horny girls across America possibly the world. His songs/videos were filled with sexual references and images that made girls wanna fuck him and guys wanna be like him to get fucked. So in 1998 when he was arrested for trying to fuck some male cop in a public park bathroom, Everyone was shocked. I'm sure some guys had a feeling he was gay all along as that's just guys nature to cut down another guy that makes them look like less of a man. Never the less people were shocked. The guy all the girls wanted to fuck in reality only wanted a nice man cock in and around his mouth. I'll admit that when I was little I liked his music and thought he was a cool looking guy. So when I heard he was gay I was past the part of my life where anything like that had any impression on the way I grew up. Now no one cares, in fact flash forward 11 years and what do we have???

Adam there is no longer a need for guys to hide there homosexuality behind a straight facade. And guys that look like George up there are considered gross to most girls who long for the soft gentle touch of a woman like Adam over there. For some reason now a days gay is the way. Horrible television channels like MTV jam homosexuality down your throat so bad its almost like they are exploiting it. If you look at music in general from the 80's to today you can see the progression. Sure the guys in a lot of bands from then dressed feminine but for the most part you knew if they were gobbling cock or sitting down to a nice fish taco. and If you think that none of this has to do with the way guys are turning out these days. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES. show me a guy who grew up in the 70's or 80' that looks like this...


    I'm not saying this to gay bash. in general I have no problem with gay people, my problem is with today's media influencing straight guys to dress like confused little girls . Emo kids who wear eyeliner and berets in their hair and a nice tight pair of their little sisters pants, and the stupid fucking girls that think that's what a man is. If that's what a man looks like than our country is fucking doomed. lets send adam lambert or that little fucking bitch justin bieber or those two gender confused things to the left into a war. shit lets just send them into a fist fight with some normal guys and see what happens. I could go on with this one for ever so ill leave it at this. You stupid fucking little lady boys need to grow a pair of balls and a dick and use that dick to fuck some girls. And not girls that look just like you do. If you can wear your girlfriends clothes and makeup and think you look good there is a fucking problem. And if you're going to be gay. Have some real pride and look like a fucking man while you're doing it.


  1. Makes me think of the media frenzy that followed Ricky Martin announcing that ::eek:: he is gay. Who the fuck cares...and....DUH!

  2. Also, I still am shocked that females find this hyper-feminized masculinity attractive. What woman wants to fuck a guy with smoother legs than yours? :P

    1. Hey! I was just reminded that I made this stupid blog and was looking at it reliving my younger self’s thought lol. Anyway I seen your comment and went to your blog and seen that you’re still active! What’s been up with you? It’s been a long time. I Tried to comment on one of your posts but it wouldn’t let me. I’d love to hear from you again.

    2. Shoot me an email if you get this. Jbeardsta@gmail
